Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Watch For Updates

Please watch for future updates. I have added links in the sidebar under the heading "What Does It Mean To Be Lutheran?" The links are from Cyberbrethren which is an excellent site with TONS of information! He very eloquently explains exactly why I love being a Lutheran...I couldn't have written it better -- so kudos to Rev. Paul McCain and many, many thanks.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A Lutheran Voice Calling in the Wilderness

I have created this blog to give myself a voice. A voice which has been stifled for too long. You see, I am a confessional Lutheran pastor's wife. My husband is a faithful man of God whom I adore and love. If I don't have a place to shout out loudly, I'm going to snap...or get very sick.

Now, just so you know this is not going to be a "confessional". This will not be a naming of whose who and whose doing what. I am hoping this will be a place where I can come and be a Lutheran. Where I can post Lutheran material which confesses the faith of confessional Lutheran people and the rich tradition of the church.

This will be where I find my voice.